Just to ask a quick question on data availability: does anyone know where I can find EMBI spread data in monthly/quarterly frequency? I know I can access to yearly data at the World Bank through DBnomics WB/GEM | DBnomics. But it seems like the World Bank has more frequent data that I can’t see at DBnomics: Global Economic Monitor (GEM) | DataBank (worldbank.org).
We are currently rewriting the DBnomics fetcher for the World Bank, because of a rewrite of the World Bank’s web API. Maybe that data is not on DBnomics because the current fetcher has not been able to run for a couple of weeks.
I need to look further and I’ll keep you informed here.
I just checked EMBI+ series at DBnomics, but it seems like quarterly or monthly data is still unavailable? For example, there is just one series for Colombia, which is a yearly series: WB/GEM | DBnomics. But WB/GEM does have those series for Colombia at Global Economic Monitor (GEM) | DataBank (worldbank.org).
Wow, I think I understand now… thanks for insisting! After a couple of hours I could find out a solution. Below are the details.
Actually after double checking the download script of the WB fetcher, it seems that it calls the API endpoint called “aggretate” (cf docs). But besides exists another API endpoint called"advanced data query" which is described in the advanced docs page.
In the second API endpoint, there are monthly, quarterly and annual series all together.
I’m going to update the WB download script again to take advantage of that new API endpoint, sort the series by frequency, inject a new FREQ dimension, and make this available.
Now I wonder why the databank UI does not offer annual series (cf GEM on databank) in the “time” panel… but that’s not really a blocking question.
Thanks @cbenz for your replay! Yes, it does seem like the WB databank UI does not separate out the data frequencies (yearly/quarterly/monthly) in the Time panel. I hope this does not make the update too complicated. Thank you so much again!
Thanks for the pull request! I checked that the revised version of the example code with new country code and dataset code works fine in Julia with DBS dataset.
However, one thing I just found is that the fetching code for WDI part of WB data has not been revised? For example, you can see that the data series can not be searched for along the frequency dimension in the webpage of WB/WDI | DBnomics.
Maybe this is why I cannot get the data by using a similarly revised code like below?
julia> rdb("WB","WDI", dimensions = (country = ["KOR"], frequency = ["A"], indicator = ["NE.CON.GOVT.ZS"]))
┌ Warning: No data series found.
└ @ DBnomics C:\Users\Min\.julia\packages\DBnomics\otwZO\src\dot_rdb.jl:49