Stata dbnomics error: "Observation numbers out of range"

Dear All,

I am using the following command in Stata:

dbnomics import, pr(ILO) dataset(EMP_3EMP_SEX_AGE_ECO_NB) sex(SEX_T) classif1(AGE_YTHBANDS_Y15-19) classif2(ECO_ISIC4_TOTAL) clear

and get the error: “observation numbers out of range” (r198).

If I where to not use the classif2 option, the data loads (though hits the offset limit). So it does not seem like the command is the error.

The data loads alphabetically (country codes) and years, all the way to the first instance of Kenya - though note that the value is different to the ILOSTAT website. Below the image comparing the info on ILO and what the command loads on Stata.

Any help in figuring out how to solve this is greatly appreciated. Best regards,
