I really enjoy using DBNomics and I was very happy to find that you have INE-SPAIN dataset. However, I’m strugling to find services and retail sales datasets (e.g. ‘ National rates: general and by distribution class’ available here: https://www.ine.es/dynt3/inebase/en/index.htm?padre=4097&capsel=4106). I suspect that this might be because Services dataset from INE (https://www.ine.es/en/index.htm) was not imported in DBNomics. If that’s correct, would you mind advising me if there are plans to import this dataset in the future?
I added “services” in INE-SPAIN fetcher. Data should be available on DBnomics website tomorrow. Please check and tell me if everything is fine.
Is there a reason why “National results. Base 2015” were not imported? Or was this dataset merged to some other dataset? In “National results. Base 2015”, I was looking for this data:
“National results. Base 2015 >> business turnover indices >> constant prices >> Series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects >> National rates: general and by distribution class”, but I’m not able to locate this in DBNomics.
Thank you very much for your help with this! I appreciate that data is very convoluted and not easy to locate on INE website…
Thank you very much for all your help so far. I was just wondering if there is any chance you have some updates on my question above? i.e. it seems that “National results. Base 2015” for Spain’s retail sales data is missing.