For example, this URL: https://api.db.nomics.world/v22/datasets/OECD/CSPCUBE?limit=50&offset=0
provides the following attributes
“attributes_labels”: {
“POWERCODE”: “Unit multiplier”,
“REFERENCEPERIOD”: “Reference period”,
“TIME_FORMAT”: “Time Format”,
“UNIT”: “Unit”
“attributes_values_labels”: {
“0”: “Units”,
“3”: “Thousands”,
“6”: “Millions”,
“9”: “Billions”
“2005”: “2005”,
“2010”: “2010”,
“2005_100”: “2005=100”,
“2010_100”: “2010=100”
“P1Y”: “Annual”
“UNIT”: {
“0_TO_1”: “0-1 scale”,
“1000000HAB”: “Per 1 000 000 inhabitants”,
“100000HAB”: “Per 100 000 inhabitants”,
“1000HAB”: “Per 1 000 inhabitants”,
“AVGRW”: “Average growth rate”,
“AVSCORE”: “Average score”,
“DEATH_1000BIRTH”: “Deaths per 1 000 live births”,
“GRWH”: “Growth rate”,
“HAB”: “Inhabitants”,
“HOUR”: “Hours”,
“IDX”: “Index”,
“KG”: “Kilograms”,
“M3”: “Cubic metres”,
“NATUSD”: “National currency per US dollar”,
“NBR”: “Number”,
“OECDIDX”: “OECD=100”,
“P50P10”: “Interdecile ratio P50/P10”,
“P90P10”: “Interdecile ratio P90/P10”,
“P90P50”: “Interdecile ratio P90/P50”,
“PC”: “Percentage”,
“PC_PNT”: “Percentage points”,
“PER”: “Persons”,
“PKM”: “Passenger-kilometres”,
“RATIO”: “Ratio”,
“S80S20”: “S80/S20 quintile share”,
“S90S40”: “S90/S40 decile share”,
“SE”: “Standard-error”,
“TOE”: “Tonnes of oil equivalent (toe)”,
“TONNE”: “Tonnes”,
“TONNEKM”: “Tonnes-kilometres”,
“TWH”: “Terawatt hours”,
“USD”: “US Dollar”,
“YR”: “Years”
“dimensions_codes_order”: [
“SUB”: {
“AGEDPOPGEO_G1”: “Elderly population”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G2A”: “Regional elderly population: Maximum”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G2B”: “Regional elderly population: Country average”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G2C”: “Regional elderly population: Minimum”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G3A”: “Elderly dependency rate in urban regions”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G3B”: “Elderly dependency rate”,
“AGEDPOPGEO_G3C”: “Elderly dependency rate in rural regions”,
“AIRQTY_T1”: “CO? emissions from fuel combustion”,
Then a series request like:
Meaning - “AIRQTY_T1”: “CO? emissions from fuel combustion”, in France
You get a nice response with numbers for each year, but what do they signify ? Kilos, Tonnes, Thousands, Millions etc …?
I was looking for some kind of mapping between “AIRQTY_T1” and the corresponding “POWERCODE”, “UNIT” etc.
Seems to be missing from both the datasets and the series response.
Many apologies if there is a simple answer I overlooked
Best regards