DataHub is the (rebooted) open data portal of Open Knowledge International (OKI, formerly OKFN). It was initially the centralized CKAN instance and API to join all OKI projects (OpenSpending, etc.), and was located at (archived here).
It’s now mainly focused on the Core Data project, which is the curated part of the portal.
Core Data
Core Data is a project to provide
- essential data for the data wranglers and data science community
- important, commonly-used data as high quality, easy-to-use & open data packages
- including reference data like country codes, indicators like population and GDP, and geodata like country boundaries.
It is part of OKI’s Frictionless Data initiative and based on its Datapackage specification (also used by Open Numbers).
Datasets are stored on GitHub in CSV.
It is meant to be a “community-based effort”, meaning anybody can push data to DataHub (public datasets) and curate the data (Core Data datasets).
Dataviz is done using plotly.js
Partners/Funders of the project include Datopian (develop the product ; Rufus Pollock’s company, OKI’s founder), John Snow Labs, Sloan Foundation (OKI’s Frictionless Data received $700,000 in 2016, part of a bigger grant program)
IMF World Economic Outlook Database
VIX - CBOE Volatility Index
- Page on DataHub
- GitHub repo with data in CSV and script